Achalanatha Bodhisattva

In this talk, given at the temple and via Zoom, Rev. Mugō reflects on the habit of judging by appearances, and also the call to sit firmly within the ‘myriad mountains’ as they rise up as opposites in daily life. To download, right-click here and ‘Save Link As…’ Read more…

Jizo and the Shakujyo

A talk given at the Priory on 26 May 2024. To download, right-click here and ‘Save Link As…’ And here is a video of the ceremony of installing the statue in the Jizo Garden.   Read more…

The Four Noble Truths

Former Prior Rev Saidō Kennaway talks about the Four Noble Truths which is the basis of Buddhism. Buddhist teachings show you a way of practice, to become liberated from greed hate and delusion and in this very moment realise Bright Buddha Nature. In other words Practice-Enlightenment. The talk was recorded in the common room at Read more…

Talk on the Heart Sutra, The Scripture of Great Wisdom

This talk was given in October 2018 at Dharmazuflucht Schwarzwald an OBC temple in Germany. With gratitude to Rev Master Fuden for the recording and for making this possible. The version of the Heart Scripture we use at the Priory is called the Scripture of Great Wisdom and Read more…

Talking of Mountains

A Talk on one of Dogen’s discourses by Chris Hughes, Lay Minister; given one June Sunday morning at the Priory. The text referred to is as follows: Read more…

The difference between Peace and Happiness

A Buddhist perspective Karen Richards, Lay Minister The talk was given at a conference called Faith in our Future organised by a women’s group, called The National Women’s Register. Click here to listenOctober 2016 5Mb mp3 Read more…